Compositionality is the principle that a system should be designed by composing together smaller subsystems, and reasoning about the system should be done recursively on its structure. When I thought more deeply, however, I realised that there is more to this principle than first meets the eye, and even a computer scientist may not be aware of its nuances.
Going beyond software, consider a physical system designed by human engineers, such as an oil refinery. An individual component, such as a pump or a section of pipe, may have a huge amount of engineering built into it, with detailed knowledge of its behaviour in a wide variety of physical situations. It is then possible to connect these components together and reuse knowledge about the components to reason about the whole system. As in software, each component has an ‘interface’, which is a high level understanding of its behaviour, with unnecessary details being intentionally forgotten.
More generally, I claim that the opposite of compositionality is emergent effects. The common definition of emergence is a system being ‘more than the sum of its parts’, and so it is easy to see that such a system cannot be understood only in terms of its parts, i.e. it is not compositional. Moreover I claim that non-compositionality is a barrier to scientific understanding, because it breaks the reductionist methodology of always dividing a system into smaller components and translatin>erential equations, this is simply impossible due to the nature of what is being studied. Using open games it is possible to control emergent effects in game theory, although it is far from obvious how to do it. A powerful strategy that is used by open games is continuation passing style, in which we expand our model of an object to include not only its behaviour in isolation, but also its behaviour in the presence of arbitrary environments. Thus an emergent behaviour of a compound system was already present in the behaviour of each individual component, when specialised to an environment that contains the other components.
As a final thought, I claim that compositionality is extremely delicate, and that it is so powerful that it is worth going to extreme lengths to achieve it.
Composability is to software as compounding interest is to finance
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