In addition to the shift away from fundamental discontentment towards a fundamental sense of okayness, changes related to moving in the direction of Fundamental Wellbeing include:

Experiential qualities that you may encounter as you transition to and deepen into Fundamental Wellbeing include all of the above, plus the items listed below (though, this is not a comprehensive list). The items in the previous list are common to all individuals who experience Fundamental Wellbeing. However, the ones in the list below are more hit and miss. They may or may not be experienced, depending on how deep someone is in Fundamental Wellbeing. For example, some may be experienced by those on the more shallow end, others by those at medium depths, and still others by those who are deeply experiencing Fundamental Wellbeing.

It's also important to note that these qualities are only knowable experientially. Although they are typically difficult to describe, when you experience them you’ll know it. These aren’t designed to think about or try and understand with your mind – that won’t get you anywhere. They are here to help you recognize experiences that may be very new to you, when they happen for you.

Again, it is not necessary for you to experience all or many of these, nor for them to remain constant in your experience. They may move in between the foreground and background of your subjective experience, or they may shift from one to another as your system explores the depth and breadth of Fundamental Wellbeing.
