Building a society without god is sort of like building a computer without a GPU.
– Paul VanderKlay
The natural consequence of your actions is the judgement of god
– Michael Parsons
The problem with getting rid of god is taking whole areas of your brain offline.
– Paul VanderKlay
This great gift which is the intuition, we have deprecating and know we only follow the servant.
– apparently Einstein
God#1 Non-theistic (tao, brahman, nirvana, etc. Qm the field, Bewusstsein) Airy-fairy but tolle is gateway drug to this kind of conciencness Experienced in the everyday. In every encounter.
God#2 Theistic Experienced in mystic experience. Like meditation, psychedelics, breath work, chanting, walk in nature etc.
looking at god does not make you see god but it keeps you changing as you keep focusing on god