What is joints health?
- painfree?
- resilient/loadable
- ability to stabilize in an unstable movement
- eshlow - Author of Overcoming Gravity 2
- Resistance training strengthens the muscles, bones, and connective tissue.
- Some type of stability/instability training like wobble board or slackline may be helpful in terms of increasing proprioception and overall ability of the muscles to stabilize at ankle, knee, and shoulder. YOu can do this with bent knee or straight knee to get similar effects
- Ido has something called "out of alignment" training which is generally fine and nothing really new per se (a common trend, I suppose, as he is involved with popularizing various methods)... for example, what martial artists and gymnasts do with "wrist pushups" or he also recommends "walking with the ankles rolled." This is generally fine and helps to strengthen connective tissue as well as long as you're doing more in-alignment training.