Inasmuch as logotherapy makes him aware of the hidden logos of his existence, it is an analytical process

– (Frankl, 1984, p. 125).

Core Principles

  1. Every person possesses a healthy core.
  2. The main focus is upon enlightening a person to his or her own inner resources, and providing him or her with the tools to use their internal core.
  3. While life offers purpose and meaning, it does not assure happiness or fulfillment.

Finding Meaning

Finding meaning or the will to meaning is the primary motivation for living….the meaning that an individual finds is unique to each person and can be fulfilled only by that one person….Frankl emphasized that the true meaning of each person’s life is something that must be discovered by activity in the world through interaction with others, not solely through introspection….. Challenging a person with a potential meaning to fulfill evokes the will to meaning.

– (Graber, 2004, p. 65)

Three distinct ways to discover meaning in life:

  1. Creative value: By creating a work or accomplishing a task.
  2. Experiential value: Receiving something from the world through appreciation and gratitude. By fully experiencing something or loving someone.
  3. Attitudinal value: By the adopting a certain attitude toward inevitable suffering. a. related to amor-fati

The Basic Assumptions

  1. Body, Mind, and Spirit
  2. Life Has Meaning Even in The Most Miserable Circumstances
  3. Humans Possess a Will to Meaning
  4. Freedom to Find Meaning
  5. Meaning of the Moment
  6. Individuals Are Unique

Logotherapy in Practice


