The metagame is the game of discovering the right relationship with your ecology of games.
games one might want to consider playing during a mastermind:
fitness, diet, finances, carreer, romance, impression management, privacy, prepperism, activism, etc.
Ken Wilder - four facet model
- waking up
- clean up
- grow up
- look around / show up
Marcus Aurelius - the cardianl virtues
- prudence
- courage
- temperance
- justice
Zak Stein - Three modalities of psyche
- transcendence
- ensoulment
- development
Abraham maslow - Hiearchy of needs
- physialogical
- safety
- belongingness
- esteem
- actualization
Tony Robbin - Basic needs
- certainty
- variaty
- significance
- connection
- growth
- contribution
- resiliency(recovery) -> adaptation(change, adjust , modify) -> transcendence(not needing it, its not a problem anymore, its play)
- transcendance: i don't need to eat anymore when i feel good
Many more models
Gamify them and play with them
Use them and not make them use us!
game unfolding
Similar to the method of "concept unfolding", maybe we cal call this "game
unfolding", which is the ability to create a new game on the spot.
- playing when life and/or a heavenly existence is at stake
- playing in the meta-crisis
- when existential risks and/or suffering risks are ever present
- reflecting or characterized by both local and global considerations
- think globally act locally
deamonic algorithm
it works like this
- minimum viable sovereignty
- the daemon visits
- start listening = giving your gift, aka ikigai, dharma, etc.
- become deplayed towards solving the meta-crisis
- experience "enjoyable usefulness"
Swap "goals" for "games" = metagame mastermind
limbic unhijacking
- acccountability is more important than success