By Ido Portal
By Range of Strength
[Prepared by Coaches:]
Jeffre(Wolf @theflexibull)
Lucas [Aaron @rangeofstrength]
- D1: Lean Away Lat Stretch - 3x90sec
- D2: Assisted Passive Hang - 3x60sec
- D3: Assisted Active Hang Reps - 3-5x10-12r
- D4: Assisted Active Hang - 3-5x30sec
- D5: Unassisted Passive Hang - 3-5x30sec, 1:1 rest
- D6: Unassisted Scapular Circles - AMRAP
- D7: Supinated Passive Hang - 3-5x30sec
- D8: Supinated Arch Pull - 3x5-8r
- D9: Wide Grip Reps - 3-4x10-12r
- D10: Wide Grip Active Hang - 3-4x30sec
- D11: Chest to Bar Hang - 3-5xMAX, 1:1 rest
- D12: 90 ISO Hold - 3x15-20sec, 1:2 rest
- D13: Alternate Grip Hang - 3-5x30sec
- D14: Eagle Grip Hang - 3x15, 1:2 rest
- D15: Max Hang Test - Best Score!
- D16: Hanging Cobra - 3x15sec, 1:2 rest
- D17: Hanging Side Bemd - 3x30sec e/s
- D18: Assisted Passive One Arm Hang - 3x15sec
- D19: The Hanging Squat - 3-5x30sec
- D20: Jump to Hang - 3x15 sec, 1:1 rest
- D21: Snatch Grip Squat Hang - 3x30sec
- D22: 7 minute Accumulation, 30 sec 1-1 Work Rest Ratio - 14x30sec, 1:1 rest
- D23: Assisted German Hang - 3x30sec
- D24: Active Reps, 3s x10r - Active Reps 14x10r
- D25: One Arm Lat Lean Away - 5-7x60sec e/s
- D26: Hands Together Alt Grip - 14x30sec
- D27: Assisted OA Hang #2 - 3x15-30sec
- D28: Fingertip Hang - 14x30sec, 1:1
- D29: Full German Hang - 3-7x15-30sec
- D30: MAX One Arm Hang - 3-7x15 e/s