Silke, my love, dig deeper. If you stop at the lever of calling energy fear, it will indeed remain so and give rise to all the other stories you are creating.
What is this thing you are calling fear? If it feels like there is a 'me' and the fear, where is that reference point???? Turn and look. You are sensing two things, me and fear... or a this and a that. As soon as there are two, there is a reference point and an object (me and my fear, me and others, me and annoyance, me and a limiting belief). This seeming relationship between two things as you say is dual in nature and therefore based in separation. The common denominator is what? The SENSE of me. It is called a sense of self because that is what it is, a SENSATION that thought is saying is 'me'. As long as you are mistaking yourself as a sensation (point of view instead of the view itself), you are powerless to loosen anything. Why? because a friggin sensation cannot loosen anything! Upon close investigation, you can find this sense of me. It arises AS sensation in the capacity to feel it. It comes and goes. This is only obvious however if the common denominator of 'me' is found. As soon as you (the capacity to feel) see plainly and clearly the sensation you have been mistaking yourself to be, as soon as you see both the sensation you are calling you ( here) and the sensation you are calling other (there) are contained in the capacity to feel them both, YOU are seated as the view rather than the points in the view. It is only when this limited point of view (me) is seen through as a sensation does everything associated with it also loosen and disappear. It has to because the dense frequencies of everything related to that sense of separation cannot survive in the frequency of the higher perspective. What we experience is simply a bandwidth of frequency. Working at the level of getting rid of anything in that frequency is utterly futile as bentinho says because whatever solutions come out of that frequency will be of the same frequency. The only thing to do is relax that perspective. This is done by either coming to rest as the present moment, or diving in and seeing what is there. Both are effective because both require moving out of the point of view. Moving is the only thing that must be done to see a different view. Just ask repeatedly when there is a sense of two "What am I calling me in this moment?" And look for a corresponding sensation glued to a story. You will find it. It is easy and simple. When you find it, let all labels and stories pass (even the one that says body) and stay with the sensation until it passes. This proves you cannot be that sensation. YOU, the capacity to feel remains when that sensation you mistook yourself to be passes. I hope this helps. I love you.