- Minimize risk
- Study found that when one images something has already happened it improves
the chance of correctly finding reasons for future outcomes by 30 percent.
That’s what a premortem does.
- There is the danger, of course, that the premortem identifies threats or weaknesses that are not real.
Instructions: Contemplate each question and write down your answers in as much length as the question
demands. Write thoroughly. Be honest, accurate and concrete.
- Select ONCE significant project or endeavor your're undertaking for this pre-mortem. This could be:
- A business project
- Your life purpose
- Your entire career
- Weight loss goal or diet change
- School/college gaol
- Relationship/marriage goal
- resolutions for the new year
- New hobby
- Enlightenment
- Imagine your project/endeavor has failed spactacularly! Take a few mintutes to visualize the failure
and possible causes of failure.
- List all the causes of failure, including major and minor ones.
- Don'T forget to include subtle psychological causes that might stems from you personal weaknesses.
Make sure these are accounted for in your list of causes.
- Refine the list of causes, making it more specirfic and realistic.
- Rank the list from greates and most likely threat to least likely.
- Brainstom 2-3 solutions for each cause of failure.
- Which are the top 3 cause you must stay extra-vigilant against?
- Are the solutions to the top 3 causes realistic and doable? If not, get more
creative and come up with at least 1 realistic and doable solution per cause.