It is plain that your experience is present, right here, right now, unwaveringly. You may be used to thinking that “here” is a part of space. But if you look closely, you’ll discover that “here” refers to nothing other than the Presence of your experiential field, and that every seeming space that may appear (for example the outside world, or memories of spaces you recall being in, or the spaces that seem to appear in dreams) appears within experience, within “here”; so actually here is not a space, but the indescribable actuality that all spaces appear within. If you examine the “here” of the experiential field, you can notice that although it enables spaces to appear within it, it itself is not a space; it has no particular size, no fixed spaciousness of its own. For example, as you drift off to sleep, and the apparent space of the waking world disappears, what size or space is deep sleep, before the different space of a dream appears? Likewise “now”, which you may be used to thinking of as being a part of time, is actually the eternal present that the apparent flow of time appears within. This “flow” of time appears now; it consists of the experiential patterns that constitute conditions of the present moment continually changing, into conditions of the apparently “new” moment; but all this change happens now. A future never comes, a past never goes, it is always now. Apparent conditions change, but now does not; it is the constant Presence of the present, the Presence of experience. So this sole Presence is the actuality that apparent space and time appear within, enabling their appearance while itself not consisting of either."

— Peter Brown, The Yoga of Radiant Presence