Trip reports
- Thoughts during a low dose experience
- Mushrooms force you into a kind of state of expanded awareness and if you are not used to that state you might try to collapse back. But since the mushroom does not allow that you panic. If that happens relax and let it happen. Tell yourself with a gentle voice that there is not danger and you are perfectly save.
- What are the consequences of only being able to see the dust on your windows and not what is behind. And is that what is happening?
- You feel abnormal and what to indulge yourself in this state. Yes allow that but also consider the possibilty of soaking in the experience with senserity as its part you and not realy exceptional
- don't talk too much smoother ride
- any question that arrises take it in with curiousity
- let things sparkle
- include into there analysis of your state the main three phases: come-up, middle, come-down
- take in the experience as an invitation to space states of mind
- reminer that you will not want this state to end
- consider the difference between you generating the states (in mediidation for examples) and it doing the substance. And that the difference is arbitrary. A conception.
- A couple of weeks before 2021-05-31
- I took around 1.8 grams at the parents house. I intended to it alone. I started to listen to audio recordings from a trip sitter app. I lay down in my bed with my eyes closed and my lower right arm on top of my head.
- The visuals where very oranic. I started to see beings looking like snakes/dragons/lions. Very astestic and beautifull beings.
- I started to experience my own birth
- Reacting to Doctor’s First Ayahuasca (DMT) Trip Report