We are trapped in false-dilemma that don't give us space to consider the third door or alternative.

We run into package-deal fallacies and can responde with pragmatic imagination/looking for a third door/alternative

What is the best of all possible alternatives?

anerkennung ist besser als bestechung

the best is the enemy of the good

if the goal is to justify a particular strategy by claiming that it helps people, a Third Alternative is an enemy argument, a competitor.

Beware when you find yourself arguing that a policy is defensible rather than optimal; or that it has some benefit compared to the null action, rather than the best benefit of any action.

False dilemmas are often presented to justify unethical policies that are, by some vast coincidence, very convenient.

Strategies to look for third doors

To do better, ask yourself straight out: If I saw that there was a superior alternative to my current policy, would I be glad in the depths of my heart, or would I feel a tiny flash of reluctance before I let go? If the answers are “no” and “yes,” beware that you may not have searched for a Third Alternative.
