We live in a fast-paced world with endless information firehoses drowning our attention. It's easy to fall behind on our mile-long todo lists while trying to juggle all of the things we care about.

It can feel like our mind gets clogged with everything we have to keep track of. This can feel incredibly draining and overwhelming.

But there is a simple practice you can do to pull the weeds from your mind and clean up your cognitive plumbing.

Some call it a brain dump. Others will equate it to "clearing the mental desk." It's simple and this version only takes 20 minutes.

We often have unnecessary mental chatter because our brain is trying to make sure we remember important things.

So we're going to take what is inside our mind and put it outside on paper. Of course, you could just type it but there is something visceral about putting a pen to a page that I feel adds to the potency of the exercise.

Here it is:

Step 1: Set a timer for 5 minutes and write down everything you have to do.

Step 2: Reset the timer and write down everything you're worried about.

Step 3: Reset the timer and write down everything you're excited about.

Step 4: Reset the timer and write down everything you're grateful for.

After you've done this, the cognitive chaos should settle down while also having an uptick in appreciation and enthusiasm for the things to come.

Give it try and see if it helps you unclog your mind