Dreaming is imagination untethered to present needs or future expectation.
Dreams are prophecies. When you dream you are closer to the rift, which is connected to a multiverse of realities. Including a reality that convention has dubbed the future. Dreams are the gateway to a realm where the infinity of possible realities are present. Not just things that happened, or is happening, or will happen. But things that could have, or should have, but never will. Or maybe they did happen, somewhere, without us realizing it.
Dreams are envoys of destiny. One sees something in their dream, a spark of divinity, wakes up, and remembers it. Therefore transferring this cryptic, perhaps ancient, but extremely potent knowledge from one dimension to another. In knowing said information, one acts upon it, and upon acting life gets altered accordingly. So indirectly dream life influences waking life. After reality is altered it provides new insights, which one contemplates on. This contemplation then enters, through the unconscious first, the dream life. Now the circle is whole. Or rather an infinite circle is born, because this cycle will keep perpetuating.
This is the dream life. You take your waking intention to your dream life. This waking energy gets transformed, through the subconscious, and or the spirit, and or the soul, but it gets transformed. To a manifestation, a conjuring. A spell. It spellbinds you to your deepest intentions, thus creating your dream life. Upon bathing in it, you receive your dream intentions, which gets taken to your waking life. And finally, your waking life becomes your dream life.
Dreams are ways to rekindle connections to lost ones. If dreams hold the key to all realities would it be too far a stretch to think it would not also give access to the after life? A relative who passed away, or a lover, they’re all there. Waiting to be connected. Through this lense, death is nothing but another reality. Something that comes after life. Much akin to the karmic reincarnation cycles. For eons what is through the veil has boggled many, but once we’re dreaming we come closer to the ones we loved and we know it. That’s why some say that dreams are dangerous, in the sense that you’re close to other dimensions, such as death. The form you are in, whilst dreaming, this spectre, it might hop over, and decide never to come back, or might not be able to.
During specific anniversaries, holidays, other moments, or during times of trials and tribulations, when guidance is needed, the spirits of your ancestors come to you, in your dreams. In your dream, they can breach the rift between worlds, that much easier. Taking housing, albeit temporary, in your dream life. To sit and have a discourse. Through a language, that is not expressed in words, nor even emotions, or thoughts, but a form of energy that has no name in waking life.
But dreams are most of all fantasies. Weird other wordly phantasms. Spectacles of some sorts, and you’re the spellcaster. Like a Lewis Carrol story, deep down you go, nothing is real, or what is real, and everything is off. You cant tell the time, well time doesnt exist. You cant see the faces, not clear enough at least, but every face you see in your dream is someone you’ve met in your waking dream.
Then there are lovers you wished you had, and past lovers, but just a tad misformed, perhaps for the better, larger here, smaller there. It’s a feast for your senses. Mostly for your most Inner Sense. The one who has no name. The one you were born with, the primordial one. The gatekeeper, observer, the true knower of your internal dimensions. This feast is also a game. You’re finally liberated and get to play, like the child you once were, and actually always are but you keep lying to yourself you arent, because society told you so.
Exotic places you’ve never been to, or have been. Everything makes no sense, it didnt happen, or it did. But everything is vivid and bright, and fantastical, heightened, you are aware and it’s fun. Everything comes together in a sandbox of miracles.