the best theory is one that gets you to the next.

DIY (do it yourself)

  1. you might filter the practices through an inaccurate category framework
  2. said framework might not be exhaustive, especially with regard to spiritual modalities
  3. success in one category might not be consonant with success in another
  4. (your main concern) the DIY approach might be co-opted by the ego.

The Integral Life Practices Matrix


Body (Physical, Sabtle, Causal) Mind (Framework, View) Spirit (Mediation, Prayer) Shadow (Therapie)
------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------
strength-training (Physical) Reading & Study Zen Gestalt Therapy
Aearobics (Physical Belief System Centering Prayer Cognitive Therapy
F.I.T. (Physical, Subtle) * Integral (AQAL) Framework * Big Mind Meditation * 3-2-1 Process *
ILP Diet (Physical) * Mental Training Kabbalah Dream-Work
Tai Chi Chuan (Subtle Taking Multiple Perspectives Compassionate Exchange * Interpersonal
Qi Gong (Subtle) Any Worldview or Meaning System that Works for You TM Psychoanalysis
Yoga (Physical, Subtle) Integral Inquiry * Art & Music Therapy
3-Body Workout (Physical, Subtle, Causal)* The 1-2-3 of God *


Ethics Sex Work Emotions relationships
------------------------------ -------------------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
Codes of Conduct Tantra Right Livelihood Transmuting Emotions * Integral Relationships *
Professional Ethics Integral Sexual Yoga * Professional Training Emotional Intelligence Training Integral Parenting *
Social & Ecological Activism Kama Sutra Money Management Bhakti Yoga (Devotional Practices) Communication Skills
Self-Discipline Kundalini Yoga Work as a Mode of ILP * Emotional Mindfulness Practice Couples Therapy
Integral Ethics * Sexual Transformative Practice Karma Yoga Tonglen (Compassionate Exchange Meditation) Relational Spiritual Practice
Sportmanship Community Service & Volunteering Creative Expression & Art Right Association (Sangha)
Vows & Oaths Work as Transformation bio-emotive-framework Consious Marriage

It's a simple as:


