- Internal Family Systems often focuses on the internal environment of the client by addressing voices of judgement or cynicism they hear in their head. By contrast, a facilitator of Family Constellations strives to reconnect people with the origin of these voices in their family tree.
- Seeming universal parts: Managers(proactive, protective), Firefighters(reactive, protects the system from overflowing), and Exiles(carry the emotions/pain)
- helps with delayering
- inner-characters
- inner-critic
- everyone is at their core a self containing many crucial leadership qualities such as perspective, confidence, compassion, and acceptance
- the eight C'ss of self-leadership include: calmness, curiosity, clarity, compassion, confidence, creativity, courage, and connectedness.
- the 5 P's include: persence perspective, patience playfulness, persistence
- can be a paradime for living
- can we be with our parts or in our parts
- coming from self-energy or from our parts
- a way to clean up your psyche
- allocentric-to-egocentric-processing
- Schwartz, R: Internal Family Systems Therapy, Second Edition
- Self-Therapy: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Wholeness and Healing Your Inner Child Using IFS, A New, Cutting-Edge Psychotherapy, 2nd Edition
- No Bad Parts: Healing Trauma and Restoring Wholeness with the Internal Family Systems Model
- kaj-sotala: mostly because someone asked which IFS book is best to start out with and I said I recommend Self-Therapy but I haven't read No Bad Parts so I don't know if it's better, and then I started thinking that maybe I should read No Bad Parts to find out whether it is better and whether I should change my recommendation. So far it does a better job than Self-Therapy in making the model seem not-totally-crazy-and-woo, but I still wish it talked a bit more about "so what exactly are these parts and why does it make sense to think we really have them" before diving into an explanation of what kinds of dynamics are involved with them. Currently it just has an explanation of how Schwartz discovered parts in his clients and then it kinda just takes it as a given that okay these are a real thing (Which I obviously do believe at this point but I can imagine many readers who wouldn't)