- Its a specific kind of group formation
- A kind of hypnosis which has as an emergence effect of dehumanizing/unenthical behaviors (classical hypnosis alone does not result into unethical behavior).
- It might be cause in mass formation the people that do the hypnosis have lower awareness than of the masses themself.
- but these people (leader of the masses) often also manipulate and lie, often with a sense of justification. This is an important distiction.
- In psychology terms mass formation is a diagnosis of a symptom
- meaning the conditions will only aggravate.
- It arises around an object of anxiety which then always has to be destroyed.
- It makes possible for a new social bond a new social solidarity. This will be the reason people join the mass formation and not because of rationality.
- It creates a social bond (through eg shared suffering) that induces a kind of meaning.
- It abandons all tranditional ritual and embbed a new kind by this shared "going through" obstacles.
- People won't stop because of ceertain measures are becoming absurd. Mass formation means that the more absurd they are the more the 30% of people who are under hypnosis will follow them.
- propels into totalitarianism systems
- always self-distructive
- means you have to survive outside in a parallal structure and just wait
- requires a rather large population
- scapegoats
- https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/menticide
- mental indoxication
- requires mass media
- dehumanizing
- only 20% of the population needs to be hypnotised for mass formation to acure
- "The Asch experiement" from Solomon Asch about group comformity
- 75% of the participants gave the wrong answer. They comformed to the group.
- Groups
- Believed it was the right answer
- They said to them selves that they are wrong and that their eyes are not seing correctly. Therefor believed what the others said.
- Knew it was the wrong answer but where afraid to speak out
- They were shy and afraid the others makes them a outcast.
- New it was wrong and spoke out
- Social isolation
a. a lot of people feel a lack of social bond
b. There needs to a lot of socially isolated people or people who experience a lack of social bond
- Lack of meaning in life
a. People who experience a lack of ‘sense making’. Unable to come to sensible conclusions.
b. a lot of people experience life as meaningless or senseless
c. bullshit jobs
d. total-work
e. 50% feel that their job is meaningless
- Presence of free-floating-anxiety
a. There is a lot of Free-Floating Anxiety (FFA). Free-Floating because there’s nothing to connect their anxiety to. No focal point. Unable to identify what’s causing and so no way to deal with it.
b. free flowing anxiety/discontent
c. not connected with a mental presentation
d. 1 in 5 people have anxiety disorder
- Presence of discontentdness
a. There’s also a lot of Free-Floating Psychological-Discontent. People may experience their daily lives as lacking any purpose or meaning
b. people feel agression without knowing the cause of it
- The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing