
  1. Social isolation a. a lot of people feel a lack of social bond b. There needs to a lot of socially isolated people or people who experience a lack of social bond
  2. Lack of meaning in life a. People who experience a lack of ‘sense making’. Unable to come to sensible conclusions. b. a lot of people experience life as meaningless or senseless c. bullshit jobs d. total-work e. 50% feel that their job is meaningless
  3. Presence of free-floating-anxiety a. There is a lot of Free-Floating Anxiety (FFA). Free-Floating because there’s nothing to connect their anxiety to. No focal point. Unable to identify what’s causing and so no way to deal with it. b. free flowing anxiety/discontent c. not connected with a mental presentation d. 1 in 5 people have anxiety disorder
  4. Presence of discontentdness a. There’s also a lot of Free-Floating Psychological-Discontent. People may experience their daily lives as lacking any purpose or meaning b. people feel agression without knowing the cause of it

