A super amazing quote from Neville Goddard about what Desire is (that helped me see the difference between desire and craving): "Desire is the mainspring of action. We could not move a single finger unless we had a desire to move it. No matter what we do, we follow the desire which at the moment dominates our minds." Surely you can find personalized thoughts and emotions arising continually, but most of these are just arbitrary thought-forms that revolve around some mysterious identity called “me.” These tumultuous thoughts are the thoughts that point toward an identity. But where is the very thing that these thoughts are pointing at? Can the identity itself be found? Truly all we ever do is talk about our personal self as if it’s there as a real, fixed, independent thing, but no one has ever really seen or found such a personal identity yet. Simply put, this is one of mankind’s big jokes: 99% of our lives revolve around fretting over something that no one has ever found to actually exist... Better to recognize the fluidity and freedom of your consciousness, laugh compassionately and be in your joy, than to indulge in this game of believing in – and responding as - a rigid self. Recognize the space that is Awareness, and follow your joy until there is no more room in your consciousness for arbitrary thoughts concerning a rigid me, because you're too filled up with all things divine and abundant.
Bliss has been shunned by many modern teachings as not being the goal of realization, however, if not all-pervading ease/bliss, then what are we seeking for? We're not seeking for the recognition of awareness just on an intellectual level. Nobody wants that. We all crave the full experience of true, 'divine' Joy. We desire to be overflowing, to be utterly fulfilled. This is very much possible and not to be dismissed too quickly, for if we do, we are stuck in the 'in-between', preventing ourselves to dive deeper. All that is required is for you to know your true bliss, is to gradually, again and again, give up your identification with anything time-bound.
I call this: going from Causality to Causeless Being. Causality has to be seen through, and understood to be an optional, superficial 'web' of thought-structures which we superimpose upon the clearness of direct experience. When the gravity of this web of thoughts, this web of causality, loses its pull on us (in other words: when you're no longer interested in finding identity there and spending all your energy investing in it), then what naturally remains is the open embrace of already present, timeless Being.
This is where true happiness is already established. This is Bliss. This IS what you desire and in many ways, it IS the goal, for in this Bliss, is where the essence of the one life is truly 'known'. This is where 'the creator knows itself' and rejoices. When the creator knows itself as infinite freedom - through us - it throws a party for itself. That party is what we experience as bliss. ~ Bentinho Massaro
The self that we all think we have riding around inside our heads is an illusion—and one that can disappear when examined closely. What’s more, we’re much better off psychologically when it does. - See more at: http://www.samharris.org/blog/item/taming-the-mind#sthash.m25FegOP.dpuf
no-self means that self is an interference
no-self - deconstructs a concept that keeps concept mode active at all times.
self is a pure-abstraction