How would you know yourself if you don't know what kind of thing a self is.
– John Vervaeke
The language by which we train our behavior is not the same language by which we explain our behavior.
– John Vervaeke
The Self is a transducer of multiple incoming potential states, transduced to multiple new outgoing potential states…that is a pure abstraction and that’s what the Self is.
self is not ego
self is a pure-abstraction
What is the logos of the self
elusive I
self is a causal actor
self is a transducer
Why do we have both?
Common sense
We need to do in other to do a science of the self we need to do the inversion. To problematice that folk model.
Standard features of the folk model based on ...
Structuralism vs functionalism appraching/thinking/perspective to the self
Levels of the self
Functions of the self
Is there a self ulitmately beyond selforganizing?
Origins of the self bonnitta-roy