A couple of ways to think about a not feeling good state.
- The most likely reason might be that you are actively stuck in parasitic coersive scripts.
i.e. negative stories you are telling yourself.
- A fight against nature or the unknown (not out to get you; passes when solve it or do something else)
- Coming from someone else's not feeling good
- i.e. the entrenchment process is happening now.
- If you want to know why you feel the way you feel start from the outside-in. (see below)
- Outside factors are easier to recognize and also because of the mindbody.
- Some helpful questions to ask yourself:
- What have I been eating?
- Have I been drinking enough water?
- Have I been consuming any industrial foods/drinks? – soda, energy drinks, coffee, bleached bread, frozen dinners etc.
- Have I been sleeping properly last couple of days?
- Have I been moving/working out?
- Why am I alive? Do I even know why?
- Have I been thinking about/talking with negative people at work or at home?
- Is there somebody I need to call (to improve a relationship etc.)?
- Am I working on things I am genuinely interested in?
- Do I have priorities or am I wasting time on busy work?
- Am I consuming negative information (news, gossip, social media etc.)?
- Have I done something wrong that I should make amends for?
- If no obvious anwers appears a 20min nap might help.
- If that doesn’t work, you have a clear signal that there’s something wrong with you physically or there is a SEVERE misalignment between what you are doing and what you genuinely want to do (your Vision or the lack thereof).
- disrupting the pattern(downword spiral)
- taking a tiny step forward that i feel safe with
- not to fix anything
- but to allow space to enter