- from Origins of the Self: An Integrated Model w/ Bonnitta Roy
- true self/natur
- unique self
- Flourishing by Maureen Gaffney
- whole self
- the self expands into 3 dimensions (growth of capacity, non-linear)
- developmental
- about being coherent across larger groups (family, community, culture, more than one culture); a wider embrace
- identity project
- grows into larger sphere of embrace
- wilder's growing up
- core-self
- michael-washburn
- evolutionary potention of the self
- the latent self if always more full of potential than the culture wants it to manifest
- primary shaming for socialazing culturing the child
- instead of an egocentric inquiry have an allocentric inquiry
- that develops the mind instead of poluting the psyche that they need to overcome when they are older or never.
- individuate the psyche
- liberate the mind
- integrate the body/lower structures
- mine(childish) -> me(reactive/reflective, ~85% of us population lives here) -> i(agency) -> we(collective) -> us (culture/categorical identity) -> all-of-us(global citicenship) -> conscious energy (this often skips the deeper universals shadow) -> all-of-animals -> all-of-bionic -> planetary -> cosmological
- 3-axis: alignment, coherent, congruence
- gate keeper self "ego"
- structures that pre-constitude the self
- your mind
- the particular type of mind comes from our particular culture
- predictive simulation (crows)
- psyche
- subconscious
- meaning making
- subpersonalities
- transitional forms
- primary-schemas
- collective unconscious
- your body
- highly unconscious
- and deeper universals
- involuded into the self
- prio evolutionary potentials we are born with that then develop across a live span
- levels
- animal nature
- biotic nature
- elements
- energy
- void