A bright-line rule refers to a clearly defined rule or standard. It is a rule with clear interpretation and very little wiggle room. It establishes a bright line for what the rule is saying and what it is not saying.
I prioritize establishing and enhancing meaningful personal relationships. I always have time for family or a true friend.
I recognize the importance of being well-rested to good decision making and quality work. If I’m tired, I get rest and then attack the problem when I’m fresh.
I don’t complain or whine. I don’t blow off steam by talking about problems; I do it by executing and being proud of my work. (Source: Sebastian Marshall)
Nullius in verba. Take no one's word for it. Approach this material like a research scientist and test things for yourself.
Suspend disbelief. Give each idea enough of a shot to test it rigorously for yourself.
Withhold definition. Notice the tendency to label things as one way or the other and explore life in the space just before that moment.