Menschen erkannten in der Vergangenheit eine Intelligenzform, die das Universum organisiert hatte. Sie personalisierten diese und nannten sie Gott. Ein ähnlicher Einblick ist heutztage auch möglich, ohne ihn zu personalisieren und einen persönlichen Gott zu nennen.

– David Bohm

Atheism was kind of a social bulling

– Paul Vanderklay


There is no external or internal deity, only Presence itself, prior to time and distance. There is no sin, only imagined disconnection from Presence. There is no hell, only today's suffering and longing for Home. There is no heaven, only today's remembrance of Home. There is no authority on life, only Life, exploding as all there is and is not. There are no Christians, Jews, Buddhists, atheists or agnostics, believers or non-believers, only perfectly broken human beings struggling to find the light in the darkness of themselves. But there is no reaching the light when you are the light, and no finding love when you are the love, and the division between spirit and flesh, light and dark, God and the devil, the sacred and the profane, the holy and the unholy, the immortal and the mortal, the self and the world, never happened at all. And so true religion (from Latin, religare, ‘to bind’) is the discovery of our intimacy with life, our non-separation from that which we seek, our Home beyond all worldly homes.

Q: What makes you not being secular? W: What is it that animates your existence?

When are you religous?

Two lifes of the same life and content and one being religious and other secular. What makes the difference?

The point at which the ordinary necessary things of life, including learning and the arts, all lose their necessity and utility is found at those times when death, nihility [Lit. “a hollow nothingness”], or sin – or any of those situations that entail a fundamental negation of our life, existence, and ideals, that undermine the roothold of our existence and bring the meaning of life into question – become pressing personal problems for us. This can occur through an illness that brings one face-to-face with death, or through some turn of events that robs one of what had made life worth living – Nishitani

What is the startingpoint for the inquire into or the entry or pathway into religion. Has to be result of a personal pressing concern. Can can't seem to get beyond. That seems to unfold the quest. But that is not sufficient for living a religous life or mode of being. Because that can be easily picked up and put done. What happens instead is that i becomes gathered into ONE. Its as if this matter becomes an obsession(analog, and not to be psycholized) the most secial thing and everything comes into one and everything else is lived in the light of this felt understanding. It can not be. Cutting the wood is not seperate anymore from the religous thing. Everything is colored by it. Bring everything in my life to a point of oneness and unity such as that it can start to raise itself up for me as what is like an obsession than i am living properly living a properly religious life (Note from the author: this is a jam based on Nishitani)

To be able to understand it presupposed the transformation on the person to be able to understand it. ( Being changed in the process of knowning that (philosophy)!





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