Science must begin with myths and with the criticism of myths.

– Karl Popper

The love of complexity without reductionism makes art; the love of complexity with reductionism makes science.

– E.O. Wilson

I think that it will be found that a formal acknowledgment of the role of quality in the scientific process doesn’t destroy the empirical vision at all. It expands it, strengthens it and brings it far closer to actual scientific practice.


Science is the project of trying to distingish causal patterns from all the correlation pattern


We do not know what the rules of the game are; all we are allowed to do is to watch the playing. Of course, if we watch long enough, we may eventually catch on to a few of the rules. The rules of the game are what we mean by fundamental physics.

– Richard P. Feynman

Science is a set of protocols to take action that achieve results predicted by the theory

bonnitta-roy, it's actor-network-theory

If science tends to thicken the crust of ice on which, as it were, we are skating, it is all right. If it tries to find, or professes to have found, the solid ground at the bottom of the water, it is all wrong.


Notes on studies I encounter