Quality is the ‘entry’ of unself into self. The various words we have for quality – beauty, truth, intelligence, wit, courage, confidence, innocence, sweetness, sensitivity, goodness, generosity, genius, love, joy, intensity and so on – express the appearance of unself-meaning under different circumstances in the self… What remains when quality is subtracted from self is quantity. If quality is ultimately unselfish, then it is not ultimately something about which self can have direct knowledge.
– Darren Allen
Was Quality something that you “just see” or might it be something more subtle than that, so that you wouldn’t see it at all immediately, but only after a long period of time?
– Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance
Origin is a pre-intelectual awareness of quality and we cant define it
What can we do to enhance quality detection?
Finally you can cultivate spirituality but the ultimate spirituality is a believe in god.
Quality is universal, but perception of quality is definitly scalar and individualized.
What you think, feel, say and do at the same time.
Dynamic quality expesses itself by metaphore
Quality in arts got more and more static. It will destroy or flip itself to more of the dynamic.
Idea: everything in the universe is striving towards quality or freedom. That means everthing is alive. Appletree apples and earth/rocks peoples.
Where is quality? Freedom, beauty, morality, love, truth, life and God — quality — is ultimately neither in the objective things of the world, nor in the subjective inner self. Positioning them in either leads to moral, logical and intuitive absurdities. The self creates objectivity and subjectivity — creates the difference between me here and you there. This doesn’t mean that there isn’t really a difference between me and you — obviously there is — but that difference is self made.
This, obviously, cannot be known through the self, it can only be lived, or experienced, by something else which is not selfish. There is no way to arrive at this something else, any more than there is a way to arrive at the room I’m in. All that can be said to someone insane enough to ask how to get here, is don’t leave.
Don’t look for or locate quality within or without. Let freedom, beauty, morality, love, truth, life and God be here, when they are, and let confinement, ugliness, immorality, hate, falsehood, death and godlessness be here, when they are here. This ‘letting be’ reveals quality as it is, instead of leaving it to get what you want or avoid what you don’t, which removes you from what it is, diminishes quality and makes a dull idea or a replicable thing of it.
The further away you are from quality, the more you try to get it or avoid it, the less real it is, or seems, and the more confused and numb you become. The more you let quality (or lack of quality) be, the more it is as it is, which means the more unique it is; or you are, with all your ups and downs, miseries and ecstasies, enlightenments and endarkenments. This is why the people we love most of all are not holy and good and wise, but vivid. This is why the people we hate most of all are not angry and evil and stupid, but trivial.
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