By using the Option Method we will be able to discover in actual practice, by personal experience, the role we play in our own emotions. We will then be able to see more clearly who we really are and how we really feel—happy. — Bruce M. Di Marsico
First Encounter
person.seth-dellinger first introduced me to the framework and futher hearing from A Radically Liberating Way of Life - Ari Nielsen | Elevating Consciousness Podcast #52
Motivated by Unhappiness
What is the Option Method? The Option Method is a self-inquiry process developed by Bruce DiMarco. It utilizes five core questions to help individuals understand and potentially transcend their suffering. The method is not about providing answers or telling you what to believe but rather guides you to discover the underlying beliefs and assumptions that perpetuate your suffering.
How did Bruce DiMarco discover the Option Method? Bruce DiMarco experienced a personal revelation at a party where he felt uncomfortable and pressured to be more outgoing. He realized that his suffering stemmed from the belief that he should be different than he was. This realization led him to question the nature of his suffering and develop the Option Method.
What is the core assumption the Option Method addresses? The Option Method addresses the fundamental assumption that we cannot trust our natural, unconditioned wants and desires. This mistrust leads to self-imposed limitations and the belief that we need suffering, such as shame or fear, to motivate ourselves and stay in line.
How does the Option Method challenge this assumption? The Option Method uses open-ended questions to guide you through a process of self-discovery. By honestly exploring your feelings and the reasons behind them, you can expose the logical gaps and mistaken views that perpetuate your suffering. This process allows you to see that you are not inherently broken and that your natural inclinations are not something to be feared.
Why is honesty crucial to the Option Method? Radical honesty is essential because it allows you to directly confront the beliefs causing your suffering. Without judgment or denial, you can begin to question why you hold onto these beliefs and uncover the underlying fears driving them.
Can the Option Method be used with other self-help techniques? Yes, the Option Method can be used in conjunction with other self-help techniques. It can provide a deeper understanding of why you might resist certain methods or struggle with certain issues. By addressing the root cause of your suffering, the Option Method can enhance the effectiveness of other techniques.
What is the role of curiosity in the Option Method? Cultivating a genuine curiosity about your internal experience is vital. Instead of seeking quick fixes or trying to suppress your feelings, approach your suffering with a genuine interest in understanding it. This curiosity will fuel your self-inquiry and lead you to deeper insights.