- representation
- humans have imagination
- metaphore -> representation
- concepts
- hypertheoretical simulation
- justification-system
- integrate the is and the ought
- its not rationalization
- uses other systems for justification
- represenational thinking
- but a mouse is compressing a map into its memory
- its a kind of representation but its not explicit
- different representation that create different is-ought
- pure abstraction
- reflexivity
- significant object
- animals have hypertheoretical simulation
- learn though practice
- collective insight practice
- like painting a mandala
- type of action-protocols
- notice when we split into justification than representation
- we try not to justify
- you will notice it will come up and tries to answers the question
- we are not interested in that
- we are interested in an image that will give me new ways to build an entirely new justification system
- reflections
- speaking from self or unself and starting to see that
- flashmobs
- they don't know there are in a flashmob
- there could be a flashmob here
- what is it to see a society waiting to make a flashmod togther
- acting from unself
- ants do not a cooperation
- what is the purpose of self outside of biology
- show the problems, context-aware
- chaos is an invitation find the the reavled harmony
- opening tresholds
- non-referential
- search for possibility landscapes that might unfold over time
- bodies in superposition
- dream-catchers — except it collects insight.
- questions
- what is your justification type?
- justification is
- if i have an ideo of the world, than that idea is surouned by my way of justification
- it is a kind of meaning making thing
- think of when you were in grade school
- relative to the others in your class you are more likely to
- 1 seek approval *
- 2 take power
- think of when you are in a group conversation
- mostly what you say (the words that come out of your mouth) is
- 3 narrative stories
- 4 conceptional models *
- think of a larger context such as a nation or the international scale
- with respect in important issues you find yourself more likeyl to defend
- 5 human collective rights/equality
- 6 individual rights/opportunity *
- 99% of what people do is inside of justification systems
- its not articulation
- I see articulation as possibly engaged indeterminacy ?
- how to justify the new-theory-of-the-body?
- do I need the feel to justify it?
- democracy is a big justification system
- the future does not anymore so much emphasis on justification
- its going to be more on imagination, like nature
- nature does not justify, it just is
- amoral
- Less Poltroonery
- justification and morality
- morality needs a justification system
- morality is a new organ
- how is chatgpt related to justification system
- chatgpt lives in the mind 3 (gregg) its just justification
- it can only provide justifications has only justifications as sources
- chatgtp has not pragmatic imagination or imagination (no percectival shift)
- humans hanging from the earth
- how to weight the waage
- can i do something instead of justifying that brings more peace. Like rethoric but not like it was before
- notes
- rethoric existed before justificaation systems
- art or rethoric
- action that must not be justified
- in relationships struggle its often justification systems at work
- 2023-05-10
- 2023-05-13
- imaginal
- representation through metaphore
- are we in nature like candy is in a box?
- cross-modal-metaphores
- voice that rolled like the ocean
- magical/imaginal leaps
- the mode of justification
- fundementally rest also in imgationation
- e.g. daoist vs confuz
- the wildness is like the wild river
- no its like a well designed/"oiled" system
- they justify the sageshood my powerful interaction metaphores ([[science] does this mainly])
- debates often break or not work because if incompatible justification systems (and underlyning metaphores)
- e.g. abortion.
- different interaction metaphores are incompatible
- speak to create a perspectival shift
- chatgpt cannot do that. can only provide justification
- mudra / postures
- changes your dispositional state
- upwoards
- internel navigation
- mudras every day live
- micro-action are mudras
- they start because people back in the past saw the connection from
- kinestetic idea/thought (gendlin)
- understanding that the body is thinking
- books
- On the Nature of Consciousness: Cognitive, Phenomenological, and Transpersonal Perspectives F First Edition
- we are sucked into justifaction postures
- releasing-unnecessary-complexity
- meme are lazy justificaiton systems
- imagine to resist the urge to justify
- questions
- is there a world without justification?
- how to make it a win-win (not a zero-sum) an exploration
- relation to argument
- what can we do with our language/writing in this day and age
- does nature have a justification system?
- no it has percectival knowing
- my body, my baby, my territory but no justification
- what keeps in in a justificatoin system cycle
- young people cannot be changed anymore using justification
- art of persuation
- combindation of ritual rethoric and art is going the leading way of persuation
- you see it on tiktok
- a thought-leader want to move into this
- imaginitve leaps
- mudras that is driving the thing it says
- i want something in me became a habits into the others body
- how can i ingres into you
- how can i enter into the other such that i feels like them
- its not dialog (exchange of ideas)
- rebuilt new habits
- egregore don't come from justification but emerge (shared action protocls)
- t.g. free market
- we only justify them retrospectively
- actualy happens most of the time
- but is it than rationalization?
- human devolved
- the danger with ai is a magictrick people believe it
- because we stopped understanding justification system
- daoist always warned about justification systems
- that a man than cannot make a moral decision
- obvious or hidden in plane sight
- valueception
- justification when eating or someting similar. What am I foraging.
- the first taboos
- sex
- in society often crossed or relaxed
- foot
- you can understanding how there are complexified into justification systems
- you have to work uphill before you body comes into a natural state
- intead of a converstoin with yourself, with your body
- once you think yourself out tendency you eat more
- research shows
- rebound after long discipline tension
- effortful attention creats a rebound effect.
- you get effortless practice but you are to have effort in the begining
- but you can allow your body do want you wanna do without wanting to do it
- understand the context the body is made to do that
- you make for your body it easier to not want to do it anymore
- does not work for deep addiction
- you want to change the context
- what is the pattern
- work on the pattern than the outcome itself
- dozen: you suffer the difference
- effort is suspect
- the purpose of effor is to exhaust the effort
- than you are at zero and you start to watch the stream
- you have to exhaust your karma
- but you can allso build it more
- find a new shape of your boundary (effort/effortless)
- polarization because of different justification systems
- activism is just justification
- justfication collapses possibility-space
- is it a habits or identity
- justification systems not only not work but often work in the opposite direction
- that is the problem with them