Learning for emergent potenial:
Not something we can know how to do beforehand
Not something we will know how to do afterwards
But it is something we can learn to do
- Friday Feature 9 23
- https://bonnittaroy.substack.com/p/feature-friday-what-is-possible-from?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
- all is very impotent, inmaterial compared to what is us, is in us.
- solve your problems at the lowerst level of complexity
- re-image the power that is use
- we think the further we go its less complex but maybe its the other way around
- on the mental-models from evolution with the frame of competition in nature
- env. put pressure on organisms and reverse
- a frame the impplies endless adaptations which land in a kind of dilemma
- sensing emergent potentials - what is possible from here?
- bonnitas story of loosing here job and only seing blankness before here
- a complex-potential-states theory
- potentials of the core self
- gesture, imitation, serious play
- simple powerful protocols
- trust circles
- todo lookup
- rich environments & relational fields
- sensefulness & intimacy
- learning without knowing
- opening our imagination to a new field of imaginations
- Looking at ... looking for questions
- What are you looking at ? (Attending)
- What are you looking for ? (intending)
- comming together so that what you are looking for is what you are looking at
- The primacy of the body
- the role of the body
- bodies in relationship
- working with space
- seing potential in thing
- evocative objects
- labrador inndigenous peoples
- topology of complex spaces
- randomness
- skills & enaction
- a theory of affordance
- dispositional states
- positional states
- gestural states
- seing potentionls of situations
- emergent pathways
- meta-cognitive skills
- ability to create a observational gap
- ability to take, assign, choose perspectives /perspective seeking
- abillity for critical reflexivity - thought as a system and the creation of orientation or view
- in the moment
- constantly in the moment with sensing and perception
- The illitarate of the future will be those who cannot feel
- What technologies can support thes simple powerful protocals
- current tech puts people downstreams to the algorithms
- pedagogy message
- person.dan-siegel course cognitive science