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"Coming to terms with" TWT (thinking with thoughts in our heads) means

It means coming to grips with the fact that

Reality is neither undiscoverable nor discoverable by the intellect alone, but by the whole embodied being, senses, feeling, intellect, and imagination. – Ian McGilchrist

and that thinking with thoughts in our heads, strips reality of its concrete universalism, i.e. its sacredness, by replacing it with vicious abstraction

Abstraction, functioning in this way, becomes a means for arrest far more than a means of advance in thought. It mutilates things; it creates difficulties and finds impossibilities (fabricated-options); and more than half the trouble that metaphysicians and logicians give themselves over the paradoxes and dialectic puzzles of the universe may, I ma convinced, be traced to this relatively simple source. The viciously privative employment of abstract characters and class names is, I am persuaded, one of the great original sins of the rationalistic mind. – William James

And while abstraction can help us see the structure of some truths (pure-abstractions) in the same way that radiology can help us photograph the structure of the bones, using abstractions to get at ‘the Ulimtate Truth’ is like pulling the bones out of a body so that the skeleton can dance.
