the truth must dazzle gradually or every man be blind
— Emily Dickinson
Instructions hit the mind, but truth penetrates the being.
The natural habitat of truth is found in interpersonal communication. Truth lives in dialogue, in discussion, in conversation ...
– Josef Pieper
One of the highest values is truthfulness, with other people that are committed and want to do that and not only people who are not lying to each other, but they are endeavoring to not withhold information, which is tremendous intimacy, and tremendous vulnerability.
– Daniel Schmachtenberger
Herzog is a wanderer, a witness, a wiley coyote, a wizard, a see-er, a displacement, a trickster, a blue-collar worker in the “truth industry.” “Truth,” he insists, “is not the same as reality.” Truth is a clip of reality, a slice, a morsel, an image. Reality is the portal, truth is the scene we enter into, more or less fully, more or less willfully.
truth is always fresh
– NA
The crucial point I am making is that there is no Truth (capital T) for creatures who do not, and cannot, inhabit the complete context of the kosmos— that is the context that only God can inhabit. Yet in all contexts, we can experience the nature of truth, if we can fully immerse ourselves in that particular context, and embrace it there, without a sense of what it must be lacking. In other words, one must be fully absorbed into the particular context, to fully experience the nature of the true. This is the kind of truth that Rilke said was both beautiful and terrifying: For beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror which we are barely able to endure, and it amazes us so, because it serenely disdains to destroy us.
Facts are accumulated by effort, but truth reveals itself effortlessly
– David R. Hawkins, Power vs Force
We often conflate truth with familiarity. Just because it resonates it must not be truth.
I think what I mean is people that seek the truth rather search for truth