Believe that they are worthy of loving and connection. And people who believe they are not worthy of it.

courage vs bravery courage to be imperfect

Believed what made vulnarable made them beautiful

Vulnarability is not dangerous

Vulnarability is our accurate measurement of curage

shame is a focus on self. Guilt a focus on behaviour.

shame is am bad. Guilty is am did something bad.

I am not good enough and who do you think you are.

Secrecy, silence, justment is needed for shame to grow exponentially

Empathy is atidote

In fact, many of our roles are defined by the limits of what we are and aren’t willing to share

I’m not knocking the use of social roles or trades. It’s fine that some of your interactions are transactional; many of our interactions in life are.

But when someone opens up, they’re trying to tell you more about themselves, and you likely want to learn more about them. It’s a different sort of interaction altogether. You want to appreciate them as the human that they are, rather than abstract them away with a simplified model that attempts to concepts.pareto-principle how they work.

This why I think it’s so important to bias towards cultivating a state of mind where you can be appreciative of other people opening up, even when it seems like the more you learn about them, the less there is the two of you have in common.

The end goal here is to develop your sense of “human-ness” such that you can anticipate, expect, and normalize the messiness that’s inherent in all of us.


