wealth is to be fully at home in the world


Rethinking Wealth from https://vimeo.com/599088078 to-watch

Creating freedom from freedom rather than dept servitude

It just doesn't maek sense to follow a dogma that moves you further from economic and personal freedom than closer.

Financial freedom requires you to unlock the value in your experiences, your expertise, what you know and what you are prepared to learn.

It requires a change in understanding value and what value is measured agains.

Selling your time and labour for money has fungible value. The amount you earn depends on your level of fungibility as a commodity. And this allows you to experience your life as job read servitude.

Fungibility means that you are anonymous and that you actually commodify yourself.

It offers familiarity on mortgages and eyeles of earn, spend and borrow and a lifestyle based on ruts of financial sameness.

We must redefine risk from the conventional wisdom that teaches that high return = hight risk, low return = low risk. It makes us behave in a way where we borrow for non productive purposes, adornment, rewards, holidays, lifestyle, etc.

High risk = conventional wisdom which teaches the desctructino of money value

What would happen if you didn't have to follow conventional wisdom by wandering around the wastelands and unconsciously living inauthentic lives?

He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice – Albert Einstein

There's greater value to be experiences than servitude. But to access it, yo umust develop your $$$ genius team. The alternative is to stay with your current experiences.

New paradigm of your.. Risk = in any given context, its your probabilites of making effectiveness decision.

Any give context is relevant: health, money, relationships, etc.

value = increasing your knowledge and skills = low risk

From propositional knowledge which access to data/information, at first, to/converting into hardwon knowledge and skill through the convertion process. So reducing risk in any given context.

You don't undreachieve because you lack potential or opportunity. Relative to your true potential you underachieve because you've been conditioned over time to make ineffective money choices.

knowledge can only come after we converted information into experiences.

What are the risks?

These choices place you withing mediums that have no possibility of achieving the outcome-output you want. The greatest risk is to follwow the wisdom of convention. In a strange twist, most people won't take on dept for something that can perform the outcomes they seek.

In therm of economic and personal freedom are you prepared to put your stories, conditioning, fears, excuses at risk?

Be an incurable optimist: enjoy the necessary risks and continually look for more stimulating challenges.

The meaning, investment, comes from 1610s in connection with the East Indies trade, and is probably a borrowing of a special use of Italinan investire (13c., from the same Lating root) via the notion of giving one's capital a new form.

But through our conditioning the new forms we use are systems that propabilty won't produce the outcome-output that we want. You actually have to give it new form which is to multiple its value.

So, what you form are you giving your capital? One of the secrets to financial-freedom lies in your ability to risk you notion of value.

Social engineering teaches you to sell your labour and time to an employer who establishey your value as a fungible-commodity. If you're self employed, you're the employer.

What's your money code?

Fungibility and commodification create your existing money code.

Your money code is what makes you actually earn over time. You can break it down to the hour and start to see how long it will take for reaching your goal.

spiral-dynamics views phase one of change up or down the Spiral is stimulated by changes in life conditions.

Phase two develops the necessary knowledge and skills to cope with or excel within those new conditions.

Learning must be followed by the-implementation-gap. Its the speed of implementation that's critical to your future success. So what will stimulate your phase one change?

It is you growing because your container (level of development) no longer fits you?