- from https://youtu.be/eCHRi9BMixw?t=5086
- It is inefible on the scientific level
- What does this amount to?
- Unlikely are black wholes in the brain or some weird quantum effect
- It is on a physical level indescribeability
- Description in science and philosophy is compression
- Indescribability is incompressability
- Ioncompressability would like look an explosion of complexity with no discernable pattern in these states
- Its not noice because that would be describeable
- There is a kind of order quality to it
- supra intelligible and not sub intelligible
- john-vervaeke: it as primo facial plausability
- its someone you are and not something you have
- It mite be like the weather where meteorology cannot give us the kind of preditive success as with other sciences.
- People report opposive when they come out and say "yes! ther is a god" and "no! there is no god" pointing to something important. Like that they actually see the same thing and it can mean both.