And its 5 correlating adaptive survival strategies.
Two kinds of regulations:
When we are not able to regulate ourselfs and as a consequence experience more dysregular patterns, symptoms can arrise.
NARM is a model that wants to integrate top-down with bottom-up approaches withing an relational context.
It pronounces somatic attentiveness within an Containment to what arrises.
It therefore expands the classic mindfullness practice with
Usually the survial-structures become aware when a certain treshhold of self-regulation is achieved. Meaning when people are more capable to feel their bodies and inner torment/conflicts decreases the skill for self-awareness increases.
The combination of 1. and 2. fosters the emergence of syngeries.
It further concludes that the classic mindfullness practices are only really appropiate to people who have little to none of traumatic experiences.
Shame and Identities
Through the adaptive survial-strategies identity structures develop. Fundametal to these kind of identities is the feeling of shame and it's corresponding shame-identity. As a opposite force to it, proud based identites develop. They arrise as a counteracting force by turning shame into a kind of virtue. They effect each other insofar that when put energy into our proud based indenty we also strengthen our shame-identity.
NARM approaches these identities as a kind of illusion even though they are often percieved as real. In approaching these two identites there is a danger in only addressing the proud based identities without going further to the lower shame based itendities. which might result in actually stengthen them. It is important to recognize that proud based itentities are protective mechanism, instead as often percieve as resistance, defence or repression. These result from traumas and represent their own kind of illusion.
Esoteric viewpoints
The NARM approach says that the immediat access to spiritual dimensions happens over a regulated physiological system. Since hundret of years in the west, the body has been looked as an impediment for the spiritual, NARM shows that a coherent bilogical/phsychological self is a springboard to a higher self. Only when the individum shows a solid feelinf for his own identity, can he open himself up for the flowing nature of self.
NARM is based on current scientific understandings in physiology and psychology but keeps space for things that might seem wonderish and that exceed the capacity for concious approach and reason. The wisdom of the body is give much value.
The million cells in our body communicate in first understanding over two systems: Nervous system and endocrine system. They are the big communication and regulation instances of the body and preserve the physiology stability of the body (Homeostasis).
In many medicine professional circles a recognition is there that many illnesses come down to a disturbed regulation and organisation of the neuroendocrine communication networks.
The nervous syste is mainly partitioned into two sections. The central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.
The central nervous system constists of the brain and spinal cord and has the function to react to the intuitive gut feeling that another person triggers in us. There seems to be a mediator role in the process of empathic awareness of emotional states of others.
The peripheral nervous system consists of nerves and ganglia beyond the brain ans spinal cord. The main function is to connect the limbs with them. It futher subdivids into a sensorical (direction body to PNS) and a motorial part (direction PNS to body). The motorial part futher subdivides into the somatic nervous system and the autonomous nervous system. The ANS consist then of the often known systems of sympatic and parasympatic.
The autonomous nervous system with its two known parts evaluates events and humans after its survival relevance und prepares the body to seize for appropiate measures. It also acts as a mediator instance via the vagus-system for social togetherness, trust and closeness.
The sympatic branch is about the fight-flight response. The parasympatic branch modulates the sympatic arousal by reducing the energy consumption to a minimum.
Are both branches unhindered in flow and balance each other reciprocal, i can be said that the body is regulated.
The autonomous nervous system is much complex and is best described in Stephen Porges work Polyvagal Theory. It shows how the different layers from evolutionary developments of our brain und nervous system contribute to switching between protection and defense aming strageties and feelings of safty and connection in social contact on the other hand.
somatic-experiencing begins at the lowest level as a non-verbal skill for self-reflections, which helps us to enquire into the inner relationships between body, brain and self. It supports in that the shame and also proud based indentities to be observed with full presence without identifying with it. By examining which connections between our concious experience in each moment and the unconcious saved to a felt sense developed coded memories, it supports the skill to self-regulate.