- something the drives you
- something that is urgent
what is capable of being urgent
- its simultaneously much simpler and intellectually more confusing
can you get a link between your top-down consious plans and your bottom-up urges/motive-force
does reactivity mean that when an urge arises it triggers a pattern in the mind that assumes that if that urge is there it must be acted on.
is this a kind of learned reactivity. would survival-strategy be less of a generative force if we would not have learned to be reactiv and rather be proactive. but and how much do survival-strategy co-emerge with learned reactivity.
can culture frame certain experiences for you so that it stimulates certain types of motive forces in you and shapes the thing that that motive force powers.
- culture/society therefore has a coercive force in it and this concepts.forcing-function creates coercive-scripts. you could also say it creates technical-dept
- the reason for this is to create coherence across people.
- coherence is a function of adaptability
- this also points to our largest evolutionary capacity, which is to come together for something bigger cooperation
- creating coordination in a global way that is coherent, that was outside of evolution, outside of what memetic evolution could reach. the-world-could-not-be-different
- what made conquering the world possible and also what makes it sick.
what is the default design of the human mind in empired cultures. (https://youtu.be/SN6FyOqylls?t=1151)
- install a sense of self that is capable of being evaluated. to then threaten that sense of self to associate it with a sense of pain and creating pathways for relieving that pain.
- but the goal is not to relieve the pain, the goal is to motivate under the umbrella of "dealing with the pain".
- what is the pain?
the work of wise knowing is shaping the mind so that it cares more about truth than it does about dealing with pain
- a very common thing is are you motivated by the pain or the goal?. from these two memetic designs you often are motivated by the former.
- disconnect the compellingness of urgency
- the main difference is that the should memetic design does not have coherent-intelligence. you are outsourcing fundamental questions about how to design your life to culture/environment/society
- it does that by making you confused by how you are. the lived experience right here is not encounted for and if the sense of self would change radically
- it makes you forget that you exist
- mediation is often a matter abour you remembering that you exist
- you and not thoughts of you
- should tends to be reactive and shattering because if no central coherent-intelligence
- creates disconnected parts/pockets
- create compartmentalization
- internal-conflicts emerge
- we often find ourself driven to guru-worship or cults because they give the impression that they can resolve the internal-conflicts
- intead you could making a dialog by which you achieve the goal you have chosen.
- the alternative is to cohere it around a central point.
- can't be a believe. there is an engineering reason for that.
- the essence needs to be consciousness itself.
- you disconnect the sense-of-urgency from action. its not a total disconnect (no numbing) because you will experience the urgency more
- ultimatily all motive force comes from you. from choice
- after finding this out you see that you have been making choice all the time. the difference is that we let the mind run on autpilot
- to get a glimmer of this is through enjoyment through a sense of yes the feeling of cohereing that's coming from focusing on what makes life joyous (not what brings relief). true free-will